- Material level
The basic level is material level, like class, teaching content, book, building, and students. In traditional teaching, there is one method or we call it expository method. Teacher is as subject to give, to explain, to give task to student, and student as an empty glass that should to fill. In progressive or innovative teaching, there is no the best way to educate. Innovative teaching is use various method and contextual. Student as younger learner should
- Formal level
The next level in development is formal level, included curriculum and syllabus. There is difference between curriculum in the traditional teaching and innovative teaching. Traditional teaching is based on teacher’s competence, but innovative teaching is based on student competence.
- Normative level
That included in normative level are law, education system, paradigm of education, and theory of education. Theory of education in traditional teaching, student as empty vat and there is transfer of knowledge from teacher. It should reform or move to innovative teaching. In innovative teaching, student is like a seed and teacher should be dynamist to construct student’s knowledge. In Indonesian system education, national examination is final assessment. It is need to investigate because there is some deceitfulness.
- Spiritual level
Spiritual level is the highest level in teaching development. That included in spiritual level are future, spiritual and religion, vision or goal, and way of life. In traditional teaching, there are opinion that with different student, same ways, same method, same Mathematics, same time, same facility, same object, and same teacher, will give same thinking and same result. In fact, there are defference thinking and defference result. So, with different student, different ways, different method, different Mathematics, different time, different facility, and different object, will give different result.
Effective learning reachable if student:
- Have motivation
- Do collaboration with other
- Unique
- Know the context of problem (contextual)
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