
Kamis, 14 April 2011


We should be happy because we now study in Mathematics Education. From the semester to semester, the faster, the higher, and the more Mathematics we learn. Mathematics Education is different from level to level, but it’s interrelated. Psicologycaly, I think we are definitely different from students of elementary school, junior high school, or senior high school. We are adult people. So, our thingking must be adult too.
For example, kids will say that straw is a line, but adult people will say that straw is a tube. Kids learn Mathematics base on concret material, whereas adult people learn Mathematics with abscraction. It’s because we know that Mathematics is thingking object.
Every age level has a different ability so the result of the study was different. Mathematics for school studied with take an example from dialy activity through concret material.
Ebbutt, S. and Straker, A. (1995) write some formula of Mathemtics for school :
1.      Mathematics is a search for patterns and relationships
For kids, easier to learn Mathematics through understanding and recognizing patterns and the relationships which encounter things in everyday life. Then, Mathematics knowledge will survive in their memory.
2.  Mathematics is a creative activity, involving imagination, intuition and discovery
Mathematics is a means of creative thinking. Students are required to solve a problem. In solving these teachers should not limit students to certain methods. During the students understand and apply methods accurately and correctly. It’s make the students to think creatively, involve imagination, intuition, and discovery.
3.  Mathematics is a way of solving problems
Mathematics can be used in solving mathematical problems and everyday problems. A teacher may help the student by providing problems encountered daily, helping students to understand step by step, motivate students to keep the spirit of learning, and help students enjoyed lessons Mathematics.
4.  Mathematics is a means of communicating information or ideas
language is an important aspect in the delivery of learning Mathematics.
Language is an important aspect in the delivery of learning Mathematics. Many things which we get through appropriate communication. Therefore, a teacher needs to improve ways of communication, so the students understand the material provided.

Whereas, adult people learn Mathematics through the definition and proof. That's the difference between Mathematics Education for school and Mathematics Education for adult. So, We must thingking deeply about Mathematics because we now study in Mathematics Education. Do not give wrong perseption to our student in the future.

There are some characteristics student that learn Mathematics :
1.      That student learn Mathematics efectively if have good motivation.
If we have good motivation, we will do supporting learning activity continuely.
2.      That student learn Mathematics individualy.
Student must be able to find solution by themself.
3.      That student learn Mathematics incolaboration with other.
Student also must learn Mathematics with other. So, they can discusse that they can’t find the solution by themself only.
4.      That student learn Mathematics in context.
Student must knowing the context of the problem. So, they can apply their knowledge to their life.

It’a all above to have concept to our mind that learning can’t be represented.

Jumat, 08 April 2011


Manipulasi Matriks
     Membuat matriks magic variable A.
A = magic(3)
A =

     8     1     6
     3     5     7
     4     9     2
     Sekarang masing-masing elemen A akan ditambah dengan 2
ans =

    10     3     8
     5     7     9
     6    11     4

     Mencari tranpose matriks A yang dilambangkan dengan A apostrof.
ans =

     8     3     4
     1     5     9
     6     7     2

     Contoh perkalian matriks.
Pertama, kita harus menentukan matriks baru yang diberinama matriks B, lalu lakukan perkalian matriks A dengan matriks B.
B = 2*ones(3)
B =

     2     2     2
     2     2     2
     2     2     2

ans =

    30    30    30
    30    30    30
    30    30    30

     Kita juga dapat mengalikan masing-masing elemen yang bersesuaian matriks A dan matriks B dengan menggunakan operator (.*).
ans =

    16     2    12
     6    10    14
     8    18     4

Operasi Dasar Matriks
     Pertama, buat matriks sederhana a dengan 9 elemen.
a = [1 2 3 4 6 4 3 4 5]
a =

     1     2     3     4     6     4     3     4     5

     Lalu, tambahkan 2 pada masing-masing elemen.
b = a + 2
b =

     3     4     5     6     8     6     5     6     7

     Untuk, membuat grafik, lakukan perintah plot dan grid on untuk memberi kisi.
grid on
     Grafik lain yang dapat kita buat dengan MATLAB.
xlabel('Sample #')
     Kita juga dapat mengganti simbol yang kita pergunakan dalam penggambaran grafik dengan menambahkan jenis simbol dan jenis garis yang ingin dipergunakan setelah matriks yang akan digambar, contoh:
axis([0 10 0 10])
     Apabila akan membuat matrik baru, masing-masing baris matriks dipisahkan tanda (;).
A = [1 2 0; 2 5 -1; 4 10 -1]
A =

     1     2     0
     2     5    -1
     4    10    -1

     Dengan mudah kita dapat membuat transpose matriks A dengan langkah:
B = A'
B =

     1     2     4
     2     5    10
     0    -1    -1

     Lalu lakukan perkalian matriks A dengan matriks B.
Catatan: MATLAb dapat menjalankan operasi bila matriks dalam ukuran yang sama.
C = A * B
C =

     5    12    24
    12    30    59
    24    59   117

     Mengalikan masing-masing elemen matriks A dan B yang bersesuaian menggunakan (.*).
C = A .* B
C =

     1     4     0
     4    25   -10
     0   -10     1

     Untuk mencari invers matrik, menggunakan perintah sebagai berikut.
X = inv(A)
X =

     5     2    -2
    -2    -1     1
     0    -2     1

     Kita ketahui bahwa perkalian matriks dengan inversnya menghasilkan matriks identitas.
I = inv(A) * A
I =

     1     0     0
     0     1     0
     0     0     1

Sumber : Help dalam MATLAB